Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Eksamen Latyn
曾經參加一次聚會,有人問我最近在研究些什麼呢?誠然,在某些時候我會對某些事物粉感興趣,但說不上「研究」,不竟我不是學者。好幾年前我很偶然的發現了一個南非豪登省教育廳(Gauteng Department of Education)的網站,最近想起了一位會拉丁文的朋友讓我再一次想起它。因為那兒有個省試(類似香港的會考)的題庫,有拉丁文的考卷。
南非一些省份的高中跟一些歐洲國家的高中一樣,是設有拉丁文科目(想是選修[elective])的。而除了很傳統的拉丁文翻譯成英文(很多時還選自凱撒大帝[Julius Caesar]的《高盧戰記》[De Bello Gallico])的題目以外,比較有意思要算是經典文化(Classical Culture)了。有這麼的兩道考題,謹錄如下:
You are a new recruit from an Italian town, writing home to your parents. The officers played a very important role in the Roman army. Give a description of the officers by referring to the senior officers and the junior officers. The officers had punished some of your fellow soldiers for dereliction of duty. Explain briefly what the punishment entailed.
Compose a speech for a recruiting officer who hopes to enrol new recruits. The Roman army was organised into certain catagories. Give a short description of the following categories while pointing out all the advantages that Roman military service could bring:
• litterae commendaticae
• the military oath
• clothing
• the agmen
• salaries and holidays
要是你讀過《給老師的信》這本書,會知道在意大利甚至不少歐洲國家,右派的國會議員會要求學校多教拉丁文等經典科目,而左翼的卻希望把它們「讓路」給現代語文和科學,把拉丁文視為精英主義的老古董。我也不會拉丁文,除了自己的名字(不過我還是喜歡英語的,Patricius太學究味了)、一些進入了英語的例如et cetera、versus(當然,我也慣了英語化的讀音,雖然我知道拉丁語的)還有一些單詞manus(手)、bellus(戰爭)和"Veni, vidi, vici"(我來到了,我看見了,我征服了)的名言。上面的問題我的朋友會解答麼也是個大問題,可是我欣賞的,是他們對古典文化的尊重(雖然跟非洲甚至香港的環境已相去十萬八千里)和嘗試把設題處境化。
南非一些省份的高中跟一些歐洲國家的高中一樣,是設有拉丁文科目(想是選修[elective])的。而除了很傳統的拉丁文翻譯成英文(很多時還選自凱撒大帝[Julius Caesar]的《高盧戰記》[De Bello Gallico])的題目以外,比較有意思要算是經典文化(Classical Culture)了。有這麼的兩道考題,謹錄如下:
You are a new recruit from an Italian town, writing home to your parents. The officers played a very important role in the Roman army. Give a description of the officers by referring to the senior officers and the junior officers. The officers had punished some of your fellow soldiers for dereliction of duty. Explain briefly what the punishment entailed.
Compose a speech for a recruiting officer who hopes to enrol new recruits. The Roman army was organised into certain catagories. Give a short description of the following categories while pointing out all the advantages that Roman military service could bring:
• litterae commendaticae
• the military oath
• clothing
• the agmen
• salaries and holidays
要是你讀過《給老師的信》這本書,會知道在意大利甚至不少歐洲國家,右派的國會議員會要求學校多教拉丁文等經典科目,而左翼的卻希望把它們「讓路」給現代語文和科學,把拉丁文視為精英主義的老古董。我也不會拉丁文,除了自己的名字(不過我還是喜歡英語的,Patricius太學究味了)、一些進入了英語的例如et cetera、versus(當然,我也慣了英語化的讀音,雖然我知道拉丁語的)還有一些單詞manus(手)、bellus(戰爭)和"Veni, vidi, vici"(我來到了,我看見了,我征服了)的名言。上面的問題我的朋友會解答麼也是個大問題,可是我欣賞的,是他們對古典文化的尊重(雖然跟非洲甚至香港的環境已相去十萬八千里)和嘗試把設題處境化。
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