Friday, July 10, 2009
Siu P is not alone!
周二晚原擬不上網看完新聞就睡,誰知碰到米高積遜追思會(Michael Jackson Memorial Service),我也看到0210才睡覺。有朋友說不滿棺木上放了紅花,因為她認為這會讓離世者戀戀紅塵。我說MJ信了伊斯蘭教,結果她說伊斯蘭教根本就不火葬、得三天內下葬和在原地安葬。他們卻找一班基督教牧師和信徒獻唱,整個儀式一點兒都不solemn。我少留意外國樂壇,除了Mariah Carey唱的I'll Be There我比較有「共鳴」,別的就可謂「關山難越,誰悲失路之人;萍水相逢,盡是他鄉之客!」結果聽完她的歌再聽一個speech就寢了。明珠台的(無線電視的英語頻道)旁述員常常的,結果昨天明報就說「就米高追思會直播,共收到16宗投訴,其中兩宗是不滿在祈禱時中斷直播、3宗是不滿3名主持不莊重、3宗是不滿節目超時致預約錄影錄不完節目,還有8宗是不滿英文台主持英語不流暢。」
本文原擬題為「Interim」(過渡期、過渡中的小P之類),但一來恐怕讀者難以理解,第二有朋友以「You are not alone」一語(後來才知是MJ的名曲)勸慰我才改成現時的題目。這首歌送給大家,中譯取自這裡(稍有修潤):
Written and Composed by R. Kelly
Another day has gone 又一日過去
I'm still all alone 我依然孤單
How could this be 怎會如此?
You're not here with me 你不在我的身邊
You never said goodbye 你從不說再見
Someone tell me why 誰能告訴我原因?
Did you have to go 你真要走嗎?
And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉
Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下來問自己
How did love slip away 愛怎麼會遠離
Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人貼耳低語
That you are not alone 你並不孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though you're far away 不管你多遠
I am here to stay 我守候在這裡
But you are not alone 你不會孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角
You're always in my heart 你在我心間
But you are not alone 你不會孤單
'Lone, 'lone 孤單阿,孤單
Why, 'lone 為什麼孤單?
Just the other night 幾天前的晚上
I thought I heard you cry 我想我聽到了你哭泣
Asking me to come 呼喚我的到來
And hold you in my arms 緊擁你在懷裡
I can hear your prayers 我聽到了你的祈願
Your burdens I will bear 我願肩負你的負擔
But first I need your hand 可是我須先需要你的手
Then forever can begin 永恆方能開始
Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下來問自己
How did love slip away 愛怎麼會遠離
Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人貼耳低語:
That you are not alone 你並不會孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though you're far away 不管你多遠
I am here to stay 我守候在這裡
But you are not alone 你不會孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角
You're always in my heart 你在我心裡
But you are not alone 但你不會孤單
Whisper three words 說出那三個字
and I'll come runnin' 我將飛奔而来
And girl you know that I'll be there 女孩啊,我會在你身邊
I'll be there 我會在你身邊
GQ:劉乙瑮 碧海藍天:她跟我一樣是AB型!
周二晚原擬不上網看完新聞就睡,誰知碰到米高積遜追思會(Michael Jackson Memorial Service),我也看到0210才睡覺。有朋友說不滿棺木上放了紅花,因為她認為這會讓離世者戀戀紅塵。我說MJ信了伊斯蘭教,結果她說伊斯蘭教根本就不火葬、得三天內下葬和在原地安葬。他們卻找一班基督教牧師和信徒獻唱,整個儀式一點兒都不solemn。我少留意外國樂壇,除了Mariah Carey唱的I'll Be There我比較有「共鳴」,別的就可謂「關山難越,誰悲失路之人;萍水相逢,盡是他鄉之客!」結果聽完她的歌再聽一個speech就寢了。明珠台的(無線電視的英語頻道)旁述員常常的,結果昨天明報就說「就米高追思會直播,共收到16宗投訴,其中兩宗是不滿在祈禱時中斷直播、3宗是不滿3名主持不莊重、3宗是不滿節目超時致預約錄影錄不完節目,還有8宗是不滿英文台主持英語不流暢。」
本文原擬題為「Interim」(過渡期、過渡中的小P之類),但一來恐怕讀者難以理解,第二有朋友以「You are not alone」一語(後來才知是MJ的名曲)勸慰我才改成現時的題目。這首歌送給大家,中譯取自這裡(稍有修潤):
You are not alone
(1995) Michael JacksonWritten and Composed by R. Kelly
Another day has gone 又一日過去
I'm still all alone 我依然孤單
How could this be 怎會如此?
You're not here with me 你不在我的身邊
You never said goodbye 你從不說再見
Someone tell me why 誰能告訴我原因?
Did you have to go 你真要走嗎?
And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉
Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下來問自己
How did love slip away 愛怎麼會遠離
Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人貼耳低語
That you are not alone 你並不孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though you're far away 不管你多遠
I am here to stay 我守候在這裡
But you are not alone 你不會孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角
You're always in my heart 你在我心間
But you are not alone 你不會孤單
'Lone, 'lone 孤單阿,孤單
Why, 'lone 為什麼孤單?
Just the other night 幾天前的晚上
I thought I heard you cry 我想我聽到了你哭泣
Asking me to come 呼喚我的到來
And hold you in my arms 緊擁你在懷裡
I can hear your prayers 我聽到了你的祈願
Your burdens I will bear 我願肩負你的負擔
But first I need your hand 可是我須先需要你的手
Then forever can begin 永恆方能開始
Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下來問自己
How did love slip away 愛怎麼會遠離
Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人貼耳低語:
That you are not alone 你並不會孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though you're far away 不管你多遠
I am here to stay 我守候在這裡
But you are not alone 你不會孤單
For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁
Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角
You're always in my heart 你在我心裡
But you are not alone 但你不會孤單
Whisper three words 說出那三個字
and I'll come runnin' 我將飛奔而来
And girl you know that I'll be there 女孩啊,我會在你身邊
I'll be there 我會在你身邊
GQ:劉乙瑮 碧海藍天:她跟我一樣是AB型!
Labels: Blog主行腳, people, RIP, 把歌談心, 放眼世界
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